Friday, 14 October 2011
Panel 1: Reading Between the Lines
Chair: Sharon Wright, St Thomas More College
"Bodies and Nobodies in Medieval Wales." Robin Chapman Stacey, University of Washington.
"Portrait of a Surgeon in Fifteenth-Century England." Sara M. Butler, Loyola University (New Orleans).
"Legal Narrative and the Records of the Court of Kings Bench." Shannon McSheffrey, Concordia University.
Panel 2: Sources and Methods
"Early English Laws: Contents and Use." Bruce O'Brien, University of Mary Washington.
"Questions about Constitutionalism." Richard Kaeuper, University of Rochester.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Panel 3: Centre and Locality
"Centre and Periphery in the Formation of the Common Law." James Masschaele, Rutgers University.
"Edward I and the Law." Paul Brand, All Souls College, Oxford.
"Local Courts." Robert C. Palmer, University of Houston.
Panel 4: Crossing Legal Boundaries
Chair: Kelly DeLuca, Algoma University.
"Laws across the North Sea: The Anglo-Frisian Connection in Early Medieval Europe." Lisi Oliver, Louisiana State University.
"The King's Peace and the King's Pardon in Later Medieval Scotland." Cynthia Neville, Dalhousie University.
"Real and Personal Actions in the Fourtheenth-Century Year Books." Charles Donahue Jr., Harvard University
Panel 5: Interpretation and Change
Chair: David Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University
"Natural Law as an Instrument of Governance in Early Modern Europe." R.H. Helmholz, University of Chicago.
"Married Women and the 'Procheine Amy' in the Seventeenth-Century Chancery." Tim Stretton, St. Mary's University.
"Law and 'Revolution': The mid-Seventeenth Century British Example." Christopher Brooks, University of Durham.
Hat tip: H-Law