The first is a Symposium on Legal History and the Persistent Power of State and Local Governments:
On Thursday, November 21, immediately before the main conference begins, the American Society for Legal History (with the support of Stanford Law School and Colgate University) is hosting a half-day symposium on the legal history of state and local governments and the persistence of their power across United States history. The symposium will consist of a range of presentations and discussions. Lunch will be made available to those attending.The second is an African Legal History Symposium:
The workshop will take place in the Conference Hotel. Anyone registered for the main conference is welcome to register for the symposium, though space is limited to thirty-four attendees. Click here to register for the symposium.
On Thursday, November 21, immediately before the main conference begins, the American Society for Legal History is hosting a symposium on African Legal History. This symposium will feature four panels over the course of the day with twenty-two presentations.And if you haven't registered for the annual meeting itself, it's time!
This symposium is open to the public and ASLH members are warmly welcomed to attend. Click here to register for the symposium.
--Dan Ernst