[We have the following announcement of a conference at Notre Dame Law that starts today and focuses on The Reconstruction Amendments: Essential Documents by Kurt Lash, University of Richmond Law. DRE]
The Symposium is being held in conjunction with the publication of Kurt Lash’s The Reconstruction Amendments: Essential Documents by the University of Chicago Press. These volumes contain primary sources from the time of the adoption of the Reconstruction Amendments. The Symposium is cosponsored by the Notre Dame Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government; Notre Dame Program in Constitutional Structure; Illinois Program on Constitutional Theory, History, and Law; and Richmond School of Law Program on the American Constitution.
The Symposium will feature three panels of prominent scholars who will speak on what these sources add to the discussion of the original meanings of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.
This year’s keynote speaker is Laura F. Edwards of Princeton University. Professor Edwards’s keynote address will be published in the Symposium Issue of 97 alongside the articles written by the panelists. The Symposium Issue will be released in the spring of 2022.
For further updates on the Notre Dame Law Review’s 2021 Symposium, please visit our website or follow us on Twitter: @NotreDameLRev.