Monday, September 9, 2024

Columbia Legal History Workshop

[From our friends at Columbia Law, we have the following schedule for the Columbia Legal History Workshop.  DRE]

Please find below the Columbia Legal History Workshop’s 2024-2025 schedule. In the Fall, we will be meeting on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 PM in Fayerweather Hall, Room 411. Note that the first listed date is Erev Rosh Hashanah, so we are looking for an alternative date, most likely the following Wednesday, October 9. If you would like to be on the mailing list for the Workshop, please let us know by emailing Susanne Ridley ( Papers will be circulated and discussants announced at least one week in advance.

Amy Chazkel & Jeremy Kessler (with Kellen Funk, Maeve Glass, Adam Kosto, Christina Ponsa-Kraus, Stephanie McCurry, Kate Redburn, Sarah Seo, and Madeleine Zelin)

October 2. Jeremy Kessler (Columbia, Law)
“The Origins of ‘The Rule of Law’”

October 30. Naor Ben-Yehohada (Columbia, Anthropology)
“As If You Were Brothers: The Criminalization of Subjunctive Kinship” 

November 20. Mariana Silveira (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, History)
“International Law as History: John Bassett Moore and the Remaking of South American Borders”

December 4. Gautham Rao (American University, History)
“White Power: Policing American Slavery”

 January 29. Anders Walker (St. Louis University, Law)
“‘Every Man a Gun’: Andrew Jackson and the Origins of American Violence”

 February 19. Charles Bartlett (Miami, History)
“Universal Currency, Natural Law, and Just Society in the 16th Century: Gasparo Scaruffi on Commerce and Intrinsic Value”

March 26. Marissa Moorman (Wisconsin, History)
“Imperialism on Trial: Mercenaries, Sovereignty, and Internationalism in Angola’s 1976 People's Revolutionary Tribunal”

April 23. Keila Grinberg (Pittsburgh, History)
“The Fight for Racial Justice and Reparations