Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Helsinki Legal History Series

 [We have the following announcement from our friends at the University at Helsinki.  DRE]

We are pleased to announce that the Helsinki Legal History Series will be taking place again this fall. The events are open to all and will be held at the University of Helsinki, organized by the Eurostorie and Cocolaw research units. We also plan to stream the sessions live, allowing participants from around the world to join.

The series this Fall is called Identities and Legal History, you can find more information here.  Here are the dates for the seminars:
Emily Prifogle (University of Michigan) 24.9, 3PM-4:30pm (UTC+3, Helsinki time)
“Making Rural America: A Legal History”

Anne Orford (University of Melbourne) 8.10, 3PM-4:30pm (UTC+3, Helsinki time)
 “The Promises and Perils of Interdisciplinary Encounters”

Luisa Brunori (CNRS) 5.11., 3PM-4:30pm (UTC+3, Helsinki time)
“The Identity of Partners and the Anonymity of Capital in Transatlantic Trade during the Early Modern Period”

Pedro Cardim (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) 10.12. 3PM-4:30pm (UTC+3, Helsinki time)
“Corporations and Jurisdictional Culture: Exploring the Political Identity of Early Modern Iberian Monarchies.”