Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Penn Legal History Workshop: Fall 2024 Lineup

The Fall 2024 lineup for the University of Pennsylvania Legal History Workshop is below:

September 12th, 2024: Jonathan Gienapp (Stanford University), "The People of the United States: The Lost Constitution of National Popular Sovereignty"

September 26th, 2024: Ofra Bloch (Tel Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law), “Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and the Memory Wars”

October 10th, 2024: Beth Lew-Williams (Princeton University), “John Doe China Man: Race and Law in the American West”

October 17th, 2024: Sarah Seo (Columbia Law School), "The Necessity of the Circumstantial Case"

November 14th, 2024: Gautham Rao (American University), excerpts from White Power: Policing American Slavery (manuscript under contract) (introduction and chapter 5, "The Other Reconstruction: The Enslavers State After Emancipation”)

November 21st, 2024: Saul Cornell (Fordham University), "The Paradox of Heller’s Anti-Originalist Originalism: The Original Understanding of Rights. Regulation, and Firearms”

Do you have a legal history workshop series or event you'd like us to publicize? Feel free email us!

-- Karen Tani