A new issue of the Law and History Review is out, and it looks fascinating.
Here are the first three articles:
"Claiming the New World: Empire, Law, and Indigenous Rights in the Mohegan Case, 1704–1743," by Craig Bryan Yirush [abstract]The next section is devoted to a forum on "Racial Determination and the Law in Comparative Perspective":
"The First Liability Insurance Cartel in America, 1896–1906," by Sachin S. Pandya [abstract]
"Marriage and Mestizaje, Chinese and Mexican: Constitutional Interpretation and Resistance in Sonora, 1921–1935," by Kif Augustine-Adams [abstract]
Introduction, by John W. Wertheimer [abstract]A third section of the issue consists of "Reflections on Further Research in Comparative Legal History":
"'The law recognizes racial instinct': Tucker v. Blease and the Black–White Paradigm in the Jim Crow South," by John W. Wertheimer, Jessica Bradshaw, Allyson Cobb, Harper Addison, E. Dudley Colhoun, Samuel Diamant, Andrew Gilbert, Jeffrey Higgs and Nicholas Skipper [abstract]
"Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis in the Colonies: The Interwar Politics of Race, Culture, and Multiracial Legal Status in British Africa," by Christopher J. Lee [abstract]
“'In the Interest of the Volk…': Nazi-German Paternity Suits and Racial Recategorization in the Munich Superior Courts, 1938–1945," by Thomas Pegelow Kaplan [abstract]
Forum: Essay
"Race, Law, and Comparative History," by Ariela J. Gross [abstract]
Forum: Comment
"When the Complexity of Lived Experience Finds Itself Before a Court of Law," by Peter C. Caldwell [abstract]
"Immigration and Techniques of Governance in Mexico and the United States: Recalibrating National Narratives through Comparative Immigration Histories," by Theresa Alfaro-Velcamp and Robert H. Mclaughlin [abstract]Subscribers may access the full content here.
"Rethinking ‘the Nation’ in National Legal History: A Canadian Perspective," by Philip Girard and Jim Phillips [abstract]
Next up: a glimpse of the book reviews.
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