As one of the contributions marking the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty, the National Equal Justice Library has launched a blog earlier this year, Right On. In the most recent blog entry, Reflections on a Bibliography, Fifty Years Later, Elisa Minoff writes about a bibliography that Gary Bellow, supported by a group of students, compiled for a seminar on "Poverty and the Administration of Justice," taught at Georgetown Law in the 1964-65. The course was conceived to stimulate "law students in becoming more concerned with the legal problems of the poor and the urban condition." Minoff's article serves as an excellent guide through Bellows' broadly conceived readings, which represent the state of popular and scholarly writing about poverty in the mid 1960s, while giving a "taste of the ambition of practitioners like Bellow who were considering how to use the law in the fight against poverty," she writes.

The bibliography is designed to be an ongoing collaborative effort, and anyone is encouraged to contribute additional entries, and well as annotations to existing and new entries.
The document is available as a google doc here, which is also linked from the NEJl's War on Poverty - Legal Services Resources Center website.
If you would like to contribute citations and commentary, please e-mail Elisa at elisa.minoff [at]
Katharina Hering | National Equal Justice Library Project Archivist
Special Collections | E.B. Williams Law Library
Georgetown University Law Center
202-662-4043 |