Professor Tomlins will be involved in the following three events during his Fellowship:
Seminar on the Methodology of Legal History
3pm to 5pm, 13 May 2014
L103/L104 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Russell Square, London
Chaired by Professor Michael Lobban (LSE)
Commentators: Professor Eric Heinze (Queen Mary), Professor Axel Korner (UCL), Professor
Gareth Stedman-Jones (Queen Mary) and Professor David Sugarman (Lancaster)
To register, please visit here. There is a pre-circulated paper for this session. Please email m.delmar@qmul.ac.uk to receive the paper.
Seminar for Doctoral Students
2pm to 4pm, 19 May 2014
Room 3.16, Arts 2 Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Featuring a discussion of ‘After Critical Legal History: Scope, Scale, Structure’ (2012).
Please register with m.delmar@qmul.ac.uk to receive the paper.
Lecture: “Debt, Death, and Redemption: Toward a Soterial-Legal History of the Turner Rebellion”
3pm to 5pm, 22 May 2014
Room 100, Law Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
To register, please visit here.