Saturday, March 15, 2014

Reinvigorating Sociolegal Studies: A Workshop

[We have the following call for participants for a workshop on "reinvigorating sociolegal studies" with "approaches that involve undergraduates."]

The Consortium of Undergraduate Law and Justice Programs (CULJP) invites interested scholars to participate in a workshop this July to refresh and reinforce sociolegal research, especially that involving undergraduates.

With support from the National Science Foundation, CULJP will be hosting a workshop to help identify and advance the next wave of research questions in four key subfields of sociolegal studies and to expand the involvement of undergraduates in this research. Those subfields include legal consciousness, legal mobilization, cause lawyering, and judicial decision making.

In addition to presentations and moderated discussion, participating scholars with shared interests will be paired with one another to provide suggestions, constructive criticism, and encouragement as they hone potential research projects. Time also will be set aside for participants to consider and begin planning possible future research experiences for undergraduates (REU) that, with additional organizing, might be submitted to the National Science Foundation for support.

The workshop, which will involve 30 sociolegal scholars, will take place July 21-22, 2014 at the offices of the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia. Participants’ travel expenses will be covered.

Interested faculty are invited to apply to participate. Scholars should send no more than a two-page summary describing their current research agenda, what larger issues they would like to tackle in future work, and how they believe they would benefit from participating in the workshop. Please submit this summary and a current CV to by April 18. Those selected will be notified by May 12.

Please direct any questions to The organizers are especially interested in reaching scholars at under-served sociolegal undergraduate programs,