Organization of American Historians has long has a lectureship program, with speakers contributing their fee to the OAH. It has now launched a new initiative,
Historians' Perspectives on the Rise of Donald J. Trump:
The 2016 presidential race and the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States revealed divisive social, cultural, and political issues convulsing the United States, many of which have deep historical roots.
The members of the Organization of American Historians, a professional society devoted to the teaching and study of U.S. history, can offer a valuable public service during these fractious times by providing historical perspectives on present events.
Speakers and their topics appear
here. A post by one of the participating speakers,
Marjorie Spruill, University of South Carolina, entitled,
Women Unite! Lessons from 1977 for 2017, went up today on the OAH’s blog, Process.