Through a tip from
Cliopatria, I found my way to
Strange Maps, where I found this image of what is apparently the original gerrymander. It got its name from
Elbridge Gerry, signer of the Declaration of Independence, participant in the Constitutional Convention,
Governor of Massachusetts from 1810-12, and Vice President of the United States, 1813-14. It was during Gerry's unpopular governorship that the gerrymander was created.
Strange Maps tells the story this way:
The painter Gilbert Stuart was inspired by the awkward shape of an electoral district on a map he saw in a newpaper editor’s office. He decorated the snake-shaped district with a head, a set of wings and claws, making it out to be some kind of antediluvian monster.
That will do for a salamander,” he said to the editor.
“Gerrymander!”, replied he to Stuart.