Friday, August 3, 2018

A Conference Report: Business and the Law in Historical Perspective

The Blog H/SOZ/KULT: has a very full report by Raphael Hennecke, University of Bayreuth, on the workshop Business and the Law: Historical Perspectives on Legal Change, held June 21-23, 2018.  It commences:
The purpose of the workshop was to take a historical perspective on the interconnection of business and the law. How did new products and economic practices question their legal environment? How did legal changes influence business practice? Did firms comply with new legal regulations? To clarify these questions, historians, economists and legal scholars presented and discussed a wide range of research topics related to the interplay of business and law. This workshop did not include an actual presentation of the papers by the authors and instead limited presentation to a short comment by another participant to enable thorough discussions. [More.]