As recent changes in the Senate's filibuster rule have shown, the rules that govern the two bodies of Congress are not fixed: they have repeatedly undergone revision and reform. What has brought about major rules changes in the past? How have these changes altered how Congress works? What unintended consequences have they caused? Leading historians of Congress will discuss these questions.Speakers: Matthew Wasniewski, Historian, US House of Representatives; Daniel S. Holt, U.S. Senate Historical Office; John Lawrence, University of California Washington Center. Moderator: Michele Swers, Georgetown University.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
NHC Briefing: How Congress Reforms Itself
The National History Center has announced a briefing on How Congress Reforms Itself: Historical Perspectives on Rules Changes, Wednesday, February 6, 2019 from 10:00-11:00 am, Cannon House Office Building, Room 122: