Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History (DLH2020). An international Conference at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (MPIeR), Frankfurt/M. 19/20 March 2020
Preliminary Programme
Thursday, 19.03.2020
09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-10:30 Duve, Thomas and Amedick, Sigrid and Wagner, Andreas (MPIeR): Opening
10:30-11:30 Funk, Kellen (New York): Plenary Talk, The Making of Modern Law. Digital Computation and the Search for Anglo-American Legal Modernity
11:30-11:45 – Coffee Break –
11:45-12:45 Trump, Dominik (Köln): Digital Methods in Early Medieval Legal History. The New Edition of the Frankish Capitularies
Taylor, Alice (London): Introducing the 'dynamic edition' as a model and method for medieval legal history. Regiam Maiestatem and 'the community of the realm in Scotland' project
12:45-13:45 – Lunch Break –
13:45-14:45 Short Presentations of DH projects at MPIeR
(C. Birr, J.-H. Meyer, A. Küsters, M. Bragagnolo)
14:45-15:00 – Coffee Break –
15:00-16:00 Weck, Marlene (Freiburg): Digital Methods for a Narrative Analysis of Historical Narratives in the Archives of the ICTY
Petz, Cindarella (München): A mixed methods approach to political judiciary
16:00-16:15 – Coffee Break –
16:15-16:45 Robertson, Stephen (Washington, D.C.): Disorder in the Courts. Using Data, Visualizations, and Hypertext to Create a Legal History of the 1935 Harlem 'Riot'
16:45-17:00 Poster Slam
17:00-18:30 Poster Session