‘Law and Lawyers in Edmund Burke’s Scottish Enlightenment’ appeared in Studies in Burke and His Time, (ns) Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 38, 2005. Here's the abstract:
On the margins of 'patriotism' and 'popery', Edmund Burke's essential Irishness remains poorly understood, not least in Ireland. But Burke was himself twice lord rector of Glasgow - he preceded Adam Smith - and there are few aspects of his life so neglected and so potentially rewarding as his relationships - personal,professional, and philosophical - to Scots jurists and the 'Scottish enlightenment'. Between them, Burke and the Scots exemplified the most pressing debates and developments of the century.
‘Beneficence Acting by a Rule:' Edmund Burke on Law, History, and Manners appeared in Irish Jurist , Vol. 36, p. 227, 2001, and 'A Very Mixed and Heterogeneous Mass:' Edmund Burke and English Jurisprudence, 1757-62 appeared in the University of Limerick Law Review, Vol. 4, p. 79, 2003 . Alas, there are no abstracts for these two.