(Lunch workshops will be in room 118/120 of the Law School from 12:20 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., unless otherwise stated)
September 2. Kurt Lash (Loyola Law School), Topic: "The Origins of the Privileges and Immunities Clause, Part I: "Privileges and Immunities" as an Antebellum Term of Art."
September 16. Assaf Likhovski (Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, Visiting Professor at UCLA School of Law, 2009-10), Topic: "Is Tax Law Culturally Specific? Lessons from the History of Income Tax Law in Mandatory Palestine."
October 2. Book Event - Barry Friedman (New York University School of Law), "The Will of the People: How Public Opinion has Influenced the Supreme Court and Shaped the Meaning of the Constitution. " Commentators: Rebecca Brown and Laura Kalman.
October 21. Law and Identities Symposium - Speakers will include: Claudia Moatti (USC-Classics); Susan Lape (USC-Classics); Debra Blumenthal (UCSB-History); Ariela Gross (USC-Law); Camille Gear Rich (USC-Law). Time: 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. Location: Law School Faculty Lounge, Room 433.
Spring 2010
(Lunch workshops will be in room 118/120 of the Law School from 12:20 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., unless otherwise stated)
January 13. West Coast Law & Literature Conference, Speakers: Victoria Kahn (UC Berkeley, English) and Bernadette Meyler (Cornell Law School); Topic "Early Modern/Post-Modern: Hobbes and the Contemporary Moment" Time: 2:00 - 4:30 p.m., Location: tba.
January 27. Melissa Murray (UC Berkeley School of Law), Topic: tba.
February 11. Russell Robinson (UCLA School of Law), Topic: tba.
February 25. The 8th Annual Law and Humanities Distinguished Lecture - Etienne Balibar (University of Paris & UC Irvine), Location: Town & Gown; Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Reception to follow.
March 4. Darren Rosenblum (Pace Law School), Topic: tba.
April 7. Susan Schmeiser (University of Connecticut School of Law), Topic: tba.
April 21. Amalia Kessler (Stanford Law School), Topic: tba.