Hat tip: H-Law.Thinking Gender is a public conference highlighting graduate student research on women, sexuality and gender across all disciplines and historical periods. We invite submissions for individual papers or pre-constituted panels.
This year we are particularly interested in research on labor, social justice, public policy, the global and globalization, race and ethnicity in the Americas, and the “new” economy (austerity) and its effects on women and people of color. Additionally, because this year is the Center for the Study of Women’s 25th anniversary, we are especially interested in topics relating to feminism’s past and present, such as the state of feminism, changing notions of feminism, post-feminism or third-wave feminism, feminist community/ies both off and online, and feminist icons and leaders.
For individual papers, please submit a Thinking Gender cover sheet, 250-word abstract, a CV (2 pages max, no resumes, please), and a brief bibliography (1 page max). For panels, please submit a 250-word description of the panel topic in addition to the materials required for the individual paper submissions. Please download cover sheet form and reference submission guidelines at http://www.csw.ucla.edu/thinkinggender.html, and note that only complete applications adhering to the stated guidelines will be accepted. Please also note that the Center for the Study of Women cannot provide travel funds for conference presenters.
Deadline for Submissions: Monday, October 19, 2009, by Noon. We will only accept completed submissions emailed by the deadline, without exception. Please send submissions to: thinkinggender@women.ucla.edu.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thinking Gender
The UCLA Center for the Study of Women announces “Thinking Gender,” the Twentieth Annual Graduate Student Research Conference, to be held Friday, February 5, 2010, at the UCLA Faculty Center. Here is the announcement: