Registration is now open for the Rare Book School course, "Law Books: History and Connoisseurship," June 13-17, 2011 at the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville.
The course is the successor to the popular and influential course taught for many years by David Warrington and the late Morris Cohen, "Collecting the History of Anglo-American Law." I have expanded its scope to include European and Latin American law.
You can view the course description as well as evaluations from the students who took the course last summer here.
The Rare Book School homepage provides information on applications, admissions, scholarships, housing, and related matters.
If you know of librarians, legal historians, lawyers or book collectors who might be interested, please pass the word. Beginners are welcome. I'm also happy to answer questions about the course. [Professor Widener's email address is mike.widener@yale.edu.]
Since 1983, Rare Book School has provided continuing-education opportunities for students from all disciplines and levels to study the history of written, printed, and born digital materials with leading scholars and professionals in the field.
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