Karen M. Tani
Race, Upper Canadian Constitutionalism and “British Justice”
Lyndsay Campbell
Divided by Law: The Sit-ins and the Role of the Courts in the Civil Rights Movement
Christopher W. Schmidt
Thomas Jefferson and the Uses of Equity
Matthew Crow
When Your Money Is Not Your Own: Coverture and Married Women In Business in Colonial New South Wales
Catherine Bishop
Citizen Kane: The Everyday Ordeals and Self-Fashioned Citizenship of Wisconsin's “Lady Lawyer”
Joel E. Black
Book Reviews by Jessica M. Marglin, Kirt von Daacke, Mark A. Graber, Tracey Jean Boisseau, Danaya C. Wright, Douglas Howland, Tahirih V. Lee, Benedetta Faedi Duramy, Charles Upchurch, Mary Ziegler, Carolyn Jones, C. Joseph Genetin-Pilawa, Christopher W. Schmidt, Brett Gadsden, Stefan Kirmse, Jane Burbank, Margaret Power, and Samuel Moyn.