Vol.15 (2018) of Glossae: European Journal of Legal History features work on comparative legal history. Here's the line-up for the "Studies" section of the issue:
- Luisa Brunori, Aniceto Masferrer, Alain Wijffels, "Preface"
- Emanuele Conte, "Modena 1182, the origins of a new paradigm of ownership. The interface between historical contingency and the scholarly invention of legal categories"
- Yves Mausen, "Causa and opinion evidence: the Roman-canonical origins of the prohibition of opinion evidence in the common law"
- Anja Amend-Traut, "Diversité ou unité? Culture juridique, correspondances et différences dans la recherche de la justice en Europe"
- Mia Korpiola, "Particularisme juridique et développements communs (Moyen-Âge–Temps modernes): Une perspective suédoise"
- Luisa Brunori, "History of business law: a European history?"
- Wolfgang Ernst, "Modalités de vote dans les tribunaux collégiaux. La diffusion des idées des Lumières en Europe au 19ème siècle"
- Aniceto Masferrer, "Was the French Civil Code ‘the Model’ of the Spanish One? An Approach to the Uniqueness of the Spanish Civil Code"
- Luigi Lacchè, "Crossing boundaries. Comparative constitutional history as a space of communication"
- John Bell, "The Role of Doctrinal Writing in Creating Administrative Law: France and England Compared"
- Alain Wijffels, "Fingerposts and Armsäulen:Comparative legal history’s manifold itineraries to legal culture"
Further information is available here.