When Brown replaced the New Dealer Leon Henderson, Ginsburg had given “some very good reasons” why he ought to step down as well. Looking back, Brown saw his point. “David is young and in my judgment a little too strongly criminal-enforcement minded.” Moreover, “because he has brought so many lawyers into OPA,” he “would find great difficulty in going along with my policy of letting lawyers go. I think they have clogged up OPA.” But although the two had thus differed on the lawyers’ role in OPA, they had done so “with the warmest mutual admiration for each other.”
In closing, Brown urged Roosevelt not to give much credence to the complaints of congressmen. “I know the Congress pretty well. I was in it for quite a while,” he reminded the president. “There are able, patriotic men, mediocre men, and some who are merely intolerant in it. In the minds of this latter group David is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. The crimes are, first, he is a Jew; second, he is smart. The misdemeanor is that he is a graduate of Harvard Law School.”
Roosevelt recommended to Secretary of War Henry Stimson that Ginsburg be sent to Officer Candidates School upon completing basic training. For the rest, see Barrett’s appreciation.
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