Welcome to Steve!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Welcome to Stephen Vladeck
The Legal History Blog welcomes our second guest blogger for July, Stephen I. Vlad
eck of the American University Washington College of Law. Steve writes and teaches about national security, a topic he has been engaging seriously at least since his days at Amherst College, where his senior thesis was LEIPZIG’S SHADOW: THE WAR CRIMES TRIALS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FROM NUREMBERG TO THE PRESENT. His recent papers include Justice Jackson, Internment, and the Rule of Law after the Bush Administration, forthcoming in WHEN GOVERNMENTS BREAK THE LAW: THE RULE OF LAW AND THE PROSECUTION OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION, Austin Sarat, Nasser Hussain, eds. (2010), and Common-Law Habeas and the Separation of Powers. Steve is also co-editor with Daniel J. Metcalfe of a forthcoming casebook: SECRECY LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (Carolina Acad. Press forthcoming 2010). Steve’s work was featured on the 2010 AALS Legal History Section panel on Habeas Corpus: The Enduring Issues, discussed here. He blogs regularly at PrawfsBlawg, and National Security Advisors, and has had guest posts recently at Balkinization.
Welcome to Steve!
Welcome to Steve!