I am delighted to invite you to attend and register for an international conference Ab servi usque ad operari – history of labour law and social policy, Krakow 24-25 January 2015. The event is organized by employers, PhD students and members of the Student Learned Society of State and Law History of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University.
The topic of this year's conference is history of labour law and social policy in the broadest sense. We expect papers e.g. on the following problems: status of slaves, legal problems of slavery, workers in the Middle Ages, forming and division of feudal society, guild statutes and membership, serfdom, enfranchisement of peasantry, legal aspects of industrialisation, the beginnings of trade unions and social insurances, anti-discriminatory acts, social policy during the Great Depression.
We would like to invite young researchers of law and the history of law: graduate students, PhD students and PhD graduates. Applications for the conference should be received until the 7th December 2014 on an application form and should include a short summary of main theses (maximum 300 words; methodology, bibliography). The applications will be verified and subsequently a response will be send. What is essential, the positive decision is required to make a payment. A presentation cannot take longer than 20 minutes and texts for publishing cannot exceed the length of 40000 characters. The language which shall be used during the conference is English. An edited book, composed of verified texts, is expected to be published, likewise antecedent events.
We provide participants with one meal during the conference. A conference fee is fixed at 100 zlotys (PLN)/25 Euros. The basic conference fee does not include accommodation. Conference organisers may provide accommodation in Students Hotels of Jagiellonian University for the price of 100 zlotys (PLN)/25 Euros per one night. For choosing accommodation selecting appropriate option in the application form is required. Bank account number will be attached to the response to your application.
For more information please contact us via e-mail: konferencjakrakow@gmail.com We strongly invite you to come to Krakow.