Monday, May 12, 2014

A Junior Scholars Conference on Law, Normativity and Pragmatism

[We have the following call for papers.]

The 2nd Annual TAU Workshop for Junior Scholars
Law Between Normativity and Pragmatism
Tel-Aviv, 10-11 November 2014.

When courts are required to reach a decision, they are often faced with the dilemma whether to give primacy to the pragmatic implications of the litigation on the case or to its normative effects on society at large.

This pull between normativity and pragmatism is not only the province of courts, but defines law in its essence throughout its diverse fields and manifestations. How ought law deal with the inherent tension between solving specific cases and setting general rules? What are the effects of historical, social, political, global and technological changes on this dilemma?

We invite junior scholars (doctoral candidates, VAPs, writing fellows, and post-doctoral fellows) from universities and research institutions throughout the world to submit abstracts involving the leading theme of the workshop. Submissions not related to the topic of the workshop will also be considered.

Limited travel grants and accommodation will be available for participants with no institutional funding.

Abstracts should be submitted by email to by June 12, 2014.

Applicants will be informed of acceptance or rejection by July 15, 2014. Selected presenters must submit their papers up to 10,000 words in length by October 10, 2014.