[We have the following announcement .]
The Yigal Arnon Legal History Workshop of Tel Aviv Law Faculty, moderated by Prof. Leora Bilsky, Prof. Assaf Likhovski and Dr. Doreen Lustig, is happy to announce its line-up for Spring 2013. The workshop meet on Wednesdays from 10:15-11:45, room 17 of the the Zvi Meitar Center, Tel Aviv Law Faculty.
March 13: Michael Birnhack, TAU Law School
The Melting Pot of Copyright Law: Urheberrecht in Jerusalem
April 3: Alan Tzvika Nissel, Helsinki University
The U.S. Turn to Technique
April 10: Roy Kreitner, TAU law School
Shifting the Ground of Monetary Politics: The Case of the 1870s
April 17: Théofilakis Fabien, IHTP
´I don´t fight for my life´: The defendant Adolf Eichmann in the case 40/60, Jerusalem, 1961
April 24: Ronen Shamir, Sociology Department, Tel Aviv University
Wired, chapter 3 in Current flow: the Electrification of Palestine (forthcoming, Stanford University Press).
May 1: Shai Lavi, TAU Law School
Humane Killing and the Ethics of the Secular: A Present Moment of a Late Nineteenth-Century Legacy
May 8: Ajay K. Mehrotra, Maurer School of Law, University of Indiana
"The VAT Laggards: A Comparative History of U.S. and Japanese Resistance to the Value-added Tax."
May 22: Thomas Sugrue, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
Race and American Urban Policy in the Shadow of the 1960s
May 29: Rande Kostal, Western Ontario
The Destruction of Philosophies Allied Planning for the De-Nazification of German Law
June 12: Amalia Kessler, Stanford University
Inventing American Exceptionalism: The Origins of American Adversarial Legal Culture, 1800-1877