Mid-Atlantic Law & Society Association Conference
October 18, 2014
Drexel University School of Law, Philadelphia, PA
Proposal Due Date: July 15, 2014
The Mid-Atlantic Law & Society Association (MALSA) will host its second conference at the Drexel University School of Law in Philadelphia, PA, on October 18, 2014. We hope you will join us in our efforts to build a vibrant regional network of sociolegal scholars.
We seek papers, panels, and roundtables aimed at stimulating conversations that build bridges across the range of law and society topics and disciplines. Proposals for individual papers and fully formed sessions are welcome. We also invite scholars new to law and society research to submit their ideas-in-progress for Socio-Legal Individual Mentoring (SLIM) sessions, where they can receive individualized feedback on substance and/or methods from an experienced law & society scholar about how to turn an idea into a research project (subject to availability of senior mentors with relevant expertise).
Accepted papers will draw on theoretical and empirical sociolegal scholarship. Papers focused solely on doctrinal analysis are unlikely to be invited. Though presentations on any topic are welcome, we are especially interested in panels that focus on areas of current interest and controversy in the region, such as fracking, specialized criminal justice diversion programs, or decriminalization of marijuana, or that could bring together practitioners and scholars.
The deadline for all proposals is July 15, 2014. Proposals should include an abstract of approximately 250 words; panel proposals should include a list of participants. You may also use the link below to volunteer to serve as a panel chair/discussant or to serve as a SLIM senior scholar for a colleague seeking to develop a sociolegal research project. Acceptances presenters will be notified byAugust 15.
To submit a proposal or volunteer: http://bit.ly/malsa2014
We hope that this meeting will serve as an opportunity to build MALSA as an institution, including electing officers and identifying a host institution and coordinating committee for the next conference.
Please direct inquiries (but not proposal submissions!) to:
Corey Shdaimah: cshdaimah@ssw.umaryland.edu
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
CFP: Mid-Atlantic Law and Society Conference
We have the following Call for Participation: