Noel Lenski, Yale University (Classics & History),
Thursday, September 22
The Significance of the Edict of Milan
Gregory Ablavsky, Stanford Law School
Thursday, October 20
The Expenses of Sovereignty: Dependence, Allegiance, and Federal Finance in the Early U.S. Territories
Sam Erman, University of Southern California Gould School of Law
Thursday, November 17
The Constitution and the New Expansion: Debating the Status of the Islands
Sara McDougall, John Jay College & CUNY Graduate Center (History)
Thursday, February 2
Like Father like Son? Clerical Celibacy and the Inheritance of Priestly Office in Medieval Europe
Risa Goluboff (Dean’s Lecture), University of Virginia School of Law
Tuesday, February 21 (4:30 p.m., location TBA)
Title TBA
Michele Dauber, Stanford Law School
Tuesday, March 23
Title TBA
Isabel Hull, Cornell University (History)
Thursday, March 30 (SLB 129)
Carl Schmitt, International Law, and Imperialism
Dylan Penningroth | University of California, Berkeley (History & Law)
Thursday, April 20
Title TBA