Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Roy Chaudhury on the Indian Poisons Act

Out soon by Shrimoy Roy Chaudhury, Shiv Nadar University (India) is "Toxic Matters: Medical Jurisprudence and the Making of the Indian Poisons Act (1904)" in Crime, History & Societies/Crime, Histoire & Sociétés 22:1 (2018), 81-105. Here's the abstract: 
The article seeks to problematize the relationship between law and medicine by studying the tensions which accompanied the emergence of medical jurisprudence in British India during the second half of the nineteenth century. In a context of British government apprehension as to the legality of its rule in India, the article focuses on official concerns about the unmonitored circulation of toxic substances, particularly arsenic, which culminated in the Poisons Act (1904). The article investigates the role of toxic substances in historical narratives of expertise, and also traces the emergence of the idea of an autonomous native society in colonial and medical/forensic discourse, locating its articulation in exchanges between British and native salaried experts.
Further information is available here.

--Mitra Sharafi