Saturday, February 15, 2020

CFP: ASLH Pre-Conference Workshops or Events

Via the American Society for Legal History, we have the following announcement:
ASLH Pre-Conference Workshops or Events

The ASLH sponsors or cosponsors a limited number of part-day or full-day workshops or events in the days before the opening of the Society’s annual conference. The Program Committee welcomes proposals for Chicago 2020, with a deadline for submission of March 13, 2020.

Proposals of 1-2 pages should:
  • explain the intellectual or professional goals of the pre-conference workshop;
  • describe proposed themes and list likely participants; and
  • include information about proposed venue, cost, and other societies or institutions serving as cosponsors, if any
Pre-conference workshops sponsored or cosponsored by the ASLH may be held at other venues or at the conference hotel, space permitting. The Society has a small amount of funding available to assist with costs. We encourage organizers to seek or propose cosponsorship to cover all or most costs.

We especially encourage proposals for pre-conference workshops that will involve scholars in emerging fields or in fields previously underrepresented at ASLH conferences and/or that will promote early career scholarly development.

Pre-conference proposals should be emailed to Program Committee Co-Chairs, professors Ari Bryen ( and Kristin Collins (
-- Karen Tani