[We have the following announcement. DRE.]
Married Women and the Law in Britain, North America, and the Common Law World, Gainesville, Florida, May 5-8, 2022
The University of Florida, Levin College of Law is hosting a conference on all aspects of coverture, broadly defined. This intimate conference will enable the participants to consider issues of marriage and married women's legal disabilities through multiple lenses, including by time period, legal system, as a colonial export, its economic and social impacts, as literary representations, and many others. If you are working on aspects of married women's legal incapacities in the common-law world, please consider submitting a paper. Accommodations for panelists during the conference will be covered. Publication opportunity may be available.
Please submit a 200 word abstract of your paper to Danaya Wright at wrightdc@law.ufl.edu by March 1, 2022 for consideration, or if you have any questions.