Saturday, February 15, 2025

Weekend Roundup

  • In a recent episode of Strict Scrutiny, Kate Shaw and Leah Litman speak with Jonathan Gienapp (Stanford University) "about what originalists get wrong about history and how the founders thought about the law."
  • Another report of that “wide-ranging discussion” at Stanford Law between Jonathan Gienapp and Michael McConnell “on how history, law, and politics intersect in constitutional interpretation” (SLS).
  • Is it surprising that, in these times, so many of the new leaders of the Organization of American Historians are scholars of legal and constitutional history? Congratulations to Annette Gordon-Reed, President; Marc Stein, President Elect; and Donna Clare Schuele, a new member of the Executive Board. Margot Canaday is a continuing member of the Executive Board.
  • Melissa Murray, NYU Law, will discuss History and the Courts with Christen Hammock Jones, doctoral student in American legal history at University of Pennsylvania; Christina D. Ponsa-Kraus, professor at Columbia Law, and Noah Rosenblum, NYU Law, at Brooklyn College on April 2 from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm.  Anna Law, Brooklyn College, will moderate.
  • John Q. Barrett on FDR's plans to resist a negative decision from the U.S. Supreme Court in the Gold Clause Cases (Jackson List). 
  • ICYMI: Jack Goldsmith on Departmentalism and DJT (Executive Functions).  Scott Bomboy on the History of the Constitution and Tariffs (NCC). 
  • Update: A compilation of trackers of DJT's executive orders by the Pence Law Library at American University-Washington College of Law.  H/t: MD.

Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.