Special Issue: Towards a French History of Universal Values: Charity, Human Rights and Humanitarianism
Deadline extended to December 15, 2009
The editors of French Historical Studies seek articles for a special issue on French genealogies of universal values and universalist politics such as charity, human rights and humanitarian aid. The focus can either be on the development of ideas and concepts or on the practical developments arising from practices of relief work. Articles on research topics covering all chronological periods are welcome.
- Reflection on a theology of compassion and the relationship between theological doctrine and social practice.
- The impact of space and distance (social, geographical, colonial/post-colonial) on ideas and practices.
- The cultural impact of narratives of relief work on French society, politics and religion
- The genealogy of the development of French notions of universalist politics.
- The tension between rights based and charity based understandings of the social.
- The role and relations between state and non-state agents (or religious versus secular) in the development of charitable and humanitarian work.
- The role and nature of formal, institutional charity versus informal, familial or neighborly charity.
- The gender and racial dimensions of relief work.
- The relationship between cultural experience (i.e. reading) and social/political concepts like human rights.
Queries regarding submissions and all other matters should be addressed to the guest editors, Bertrand Taithe (bertrand.taithe@manchester.ac.uk) and Adam Davis (davisaj@denison.edu). Articles may be either in English or in French but must conform to French Historical Studies style (see http://fhs.umn.edu/ for details) and must be accompanied by 150 word abstracts in both languages. Papers should be between 8,000 and 10,000 words (up to but not longer than 14,000 words including notes). For the inclusion of illustrations written permission must be obtained from the relevant persons or institutions for print and on-line publication.
Manuscripts can be sent by post or electronically to Richard Parks, Managing Assistant, French Historical Studies, Department of History, University of Minnesota-twin cities, 1110 Heller Hall, 271 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 (frhistst@umn.edu) We encourage, but do not require, electronic submission of manuscripts.
Manuscripts submitted electronically should be sent in MS Word or Rich Text Format (RTF). The new deadline for submissions is December 15, 2009.
Hat tip: H-Diplo.