Keynote Address: Richard Sylla, NYU Stern School of Business, “Consequences of Crises”
Friday, November 5
First Panel: Early America’s Crises and Their Implications
Ron Michener, University of Virginia and Robert E. Wright, Augustana College, South Dakota, “The Real Estate Crash of 1764 and the Coming of the American Revolution”
Sharon Ann Murphy, Providence College, “Banking on the Public’s Trust: The Image of Commercial Banks after the Panic of 1819”
Jessica Lepler, University of New Hampshire, “The Strange Career of the Panic of 1837: The Construction of an Economic Disaster”
Second Panel: Three Perspectives on the Great Depression
Andrew Meade McGee, University of Virginia, “‘The Country was Dying by Inches’: Reconsidering Institutional Responses to the Great Depression as a Crisis of Internal Migration”
Naomi Lamoreaux, Yale University and Margaret Levenstein, University of Michigan, “Long Term Costs of Macroeconomic Instability: The Destruction of Innovative Networks in Cleveland, Ohio, 1920-1940”
Shannan Clark, Montclair State University, “The Middle Class in Crisis: The Great
Depression and White-Collar Consciousness in the United States”
Third Panel: Two (Widely-Spaced) Banking Studies
R. Daniel Wadhwani, University of the Pacific, “The Demise of Thomas Dyott: The Panic of 1837 and the Development of Personal Finance in the United States”
Olga Pantelidou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, “ATMs, Uniform Bank Branches, and a New Tower: Citibank’s Response to New York City’s 1970s Financial Crisis”
Fourth Panel: Major Sectors and Big Ideas
Dan Bouk, Colgate University, “The Panic of 1873 and Changing Ideas about Human Difference in the American Life Insurance Industry”
Elizabeth Tandy Shermer, University of Cambridge/Loyola University Chicago, “Economic Crisis and Political Confidence: The Great Depression, New Deal and Origins of the Sunbelt”
Brent Goldfarb, University of Maryland, and David Kirsch, University of Maryland, “When are There NOT Bubbles? Market Democratization and Sectoral Growth”