Friday, January 27, 2012

Upcoming Deadlines and Opportunities for Graduate Students

In addition to the Summer Institute on Archival Research posted below, here are a few other opportunities and upcoming deadlines for graduate students.

Miller Center National Fellowship.  Applications for the Miller Center National Fellowship are due February 1.  The Miller Center awards fellowships to those completing dissertations in American politics, foreign policy, and world affairs, or on the impact of global affairs on the U.S.

"Crossing Boundaries, Workshopping Sexualities." The Sexualities Section of the American Sociological Association has an excellent opportunity for sociologists of sexuality studies, and particularly for graduate students.  The first national mini-conference on sexuality studies in sociology will be held at the ASA’s annual meeting in Denver from August 17-20.  Those doing historical sociology or socio-legal studies might want to check out the “Crossing Boundaries,Workshopping Sexualities” website.  Submissions are invited for dissertation master classes, works-in-progress sessions, and “critical issues” workshops.  Proposals are due February 15.     

LSI Graduate Student Paper Competition. Submissions for the 2012 Lawand Social Inquiry Graduate Student Paper Competition are due March 1, 2012.