Friday, January 17, 2014

Call for Applications: Miller Center National Fellowships

Via H-Law, we are reminded that the Miller Center at the University of Virginia is accepting applications for the 2014-2015 National Fellowship program, and the deadline (February 1) is fast approaching. Several past and present LHB bloggers have either been Fellows or served as mentors, and they highly recommend the program. Here's the announcement:
The Miller Center Fellowship program funds scholars completing dissertations that employ history to shed light on American politics and public policy, foreign relations and the impact of global affairs on the United States, media and politics, and the role of the presidency in shaping American political development. The program provides up to eight $22,000 grants to support one year of research and writing. Along with the fellowship grant, the Miller Center assists the fellow in choosing a senior scholar from their field to serve as fellowship “mentor.” This mentor will suggest relevant literature to frame the project, read the fellow's work, and give general advice on research. 
This year, the Miller Center will once again offer an Ambrose Monell Foundation Funded Fellowship in Technology and Democracy. Please visit the Fellowship website for more information, application requirements, and to access the online application.  
The application will close on February 1st, 2014. Please contact us at with any questions.
For more information, follow the link.