Sean Wilentz, "Into the West," NYT, 20 November, reviews Robert W. Merry's A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War, and the Conquest of the American Continent.Ralph is collecting nominations through November for the best in history blogging.
Jonathan Yardley, "Forgotten Warrior," Washington Post, 22 November, reviews Joan Waugh's U. S. Grant: American Hero, American Myth.
Janet Maslin, "The Queasy Side of Theodore Roosevelt's Diplomatic Voyage," NYT, 18 November, reviews James Bradley's The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War.
Finally, kudos to this year's National Book Award winners, including T. J. Stiles, The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt (Nonfiction), and Philip Hoose, Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice (Young People's Literature).