12:00 PM - 1:30 PM ET on June 8, 2018. It is open to ABA members and the general public, without cost, although registration is required.For additional information, call 202-662-1528 or e-mail Rebecca.Mobley@americanbar.org. “Dial-in information will be sent one day before the program.”
The present administration has seen what many consider the most dramatic effort at deregulation since Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. This teleforum considers what the proponents and opponents of deregulation can learn by looking back at deregulation’s history, particularly the Reagan era.The confirmed panelists are:
What factors have caused deregulation to succeed or fail as a legal matter, and to thrive or sputter as a political matter? When does deregulation last, and when does it not? This program brings together veterans of the deregulation initiatives and debates of the 1980s with historians and political scientists who have begun to produce a rich scholarly literature on deregulation’s history and what that history means for us today.
Christopher DeMuth, Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute, former Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
David Vladeck, Professor of Law, Georgetown University, former Director, Public Citizen Litigation Group
Marissa Martino Golden, Associate Professor of Political Science, Bryn Mawr College
Reuel Schiller, Professor of Law, UC-Hastings College of Law
Jefferson Decker, Assistant Professor of American Studies, Rutgers University
Nicholas Parrillo, Professor of Law, Yale University (moderator)